• Archer Patrol Patch ClassB
  • Curtis S. Read S.R. STAFF (34166) Westchester-Putnam Council #388
  • 34521 - Pikes Peak Council NYLT 2014 CSP Pikes Peak Council #60
  • FOS - CSP  Reverent East Carolina Council #426
  • LR 1218a- Castaway CSP  Piedmont Area Council #420
  • NYLT BAY-LAKES CSP Bay Lakes Council #635
  • Scouting through the Elements  Pee Dee Area Council #552 - merged with Indian Waters Council #553
  • Stonewall Jackson Area CCL CSP-Hawk Virginia Headwaters Council formerly, Stonewall Jackson Area Council #763
  • 33899 - Clements & Trevor Rees-Jones 2014 Scout Camp CSP Circle Ten Council #571
  • GNYC NYLT CSP Greater New York, Manhattan Council #643
  • BAY LAKES WOOD BADGE Bay Lakes Council #635
  • Philmont Trek CSP (34149) Blue Grass Council #204
  • Los Padres Council, BSA - FOS - CSP Los Padres Council #53
  • Griffin Patrol Patch ClassB
  • CREW 1102 PHILMONT CSP KAC Katahdin Area Council #216
  • LR 1232- Colonel Drake District  East Texas Area Council #585
  • 2014 KAC PHILMONT CSP Katahdin Area Council #216
  • Natsi Hi Lodge NOAC 2015- Metallic Gold Border Pocket Monmouth Council #347
  • Natsi Hi Lodge NOAC 2015- Regular Border-Pocket Monmouth Council #347
  • 33815 - Old North State Council Commissioners 2014 CSP Old North State Council #70