• 2013 National Jamboree CSP Bay Area Council #574
  • 209640- Aloha Council Jamboree  Aloha Council #104
  • 28274 - Jamboree 2013 Deployment Patch Hawkeye Area Council #172
  • X166240A AMAZING RACE Calumet Council #152
  • X165766A MERIT BADGE CONCLAVE  Troop 71
  • THREE RIVERS Three Rivers Council #578
  • THREE RIVERS Three Rivers Council #578
  • TB 210059 COLC OA Jambo Pocket Bottom 2013 Cradle of Liberty Council #525
  • TB 210063 COLC OA Top 2013 Cradle of Liberty Council #525
  • BADEN-POWELL 2013 NAT'L JAMBO  Baden-Powell Council #368
  • TB 209267 SHAC Jambo CSP Fish 2013 Sam Houston Area Council #576
  • TB 209871 CNJC 2013 Jamboree Oval Central New Jersey Council #352
  • TB 208626b SHAC Jambo Center 2013 Sam Houston Area Council #576
  • TB 209996 GAC Jambo CSP Factory/Statue 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 209995 GAC Jambo CSP Helen Keller 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 209994 GAC Jambo CSP Plane 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 195007 GAC Jambo CSP Contingent 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 197733 GAC Jambo CSP Wooden Arch 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 197730 GAC Jambo CSP  Arch 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1
  • TB 197734 GAC Jambo CSP Wagon Wheel 2013 Greater Alabama Council #1